Don’t Throw It Away! What to Do With AVB (Already Vaped Bud / Cannabis)

Already Vaporized Bud

Already vaped bud (AVB) is the crispy blown flower that remains after vaporizing Cannabis. Unlike smoking it, the plant is not turned to ash, meaning some cannabinoids still exist and can be used, if you know how to. 

Does it have any effect? 

Temperature cannabis was previously vaporized at

Higher temperature dry herb vaping will release more cannabinoids and will leave very few remaining compounds. The ideal reusable AVB is light brown in color.

Cannabis connoisseurs approve of using AVB

It’s kind of a life hack, really. If you use a Dry Herb Vaporizer, using your AVB for oils or butters for mixing with recipes, or medical purposes would be a wasted opportunity, should it not be utilized.

After all, the chances of you extracting all the compounds from your marijuana are very slim. All it takes is a little DIY recycling effort and you’ll get quite the extra mileage out of your Cannabis. 

Previous vape session timelapse

Vaporizing your cannabis at lower temperatures only works to preserve the cannabinoids to some extent if you consider your session timelapse. Low temperatures over a long period of time will also leave your bud with very little reusable value. 

Cannabis Original Cannabinoid content 

Consider the original potency of the AVB you are using. Having vaporized a stronger strain of Marijuana will leave you with more residue cannabinoids in your AVB than lower-quality strains. 

You can use Already-vaped Bud 

Since AVB is basically decarboxylated cannabis, it is, in fact, exactly what you would want to work into your recipes.

Changing the flower’s chemical structure from tetrahydrocannabinol-Acid (THCA) to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) steps one to cooking with cannabis, but will now naturally have been done. 

This is simply the process whereby the cannabinoids such as THC & CBD (to name the basics) are formulated within the plant by adding heat.


A popular use of AVB is simply mixing it into your next meal or dessert. Use butter, oil, or even dry AVB just as it is (depending on what you are preparing)

The Magical Butter Machine is fully automatic cannabis oil and butter-making machine that simplifies turning AVB into usable butter or oil. We discuss it in detail below!

You can bet on having mild effects from mixing your pre-vaporized cannabis into your recipes, but bear in mind what can cause “depleted” cannabis.


Another awesome benefit of using vaporizers; AVB capsules. The trick here is once again the fact that the flower has already been decarboxylated, making it possible to capsule your cannabis for discreet and easy consumption. 

On average, a full capsule will contain 0.3g of AVB. An average dose for a regular vape user would be around 0.5g of AVB. You will experience easier capsule packing if you split your dosage into two capsules of 2.5g each. 

Remember to ingest with a slightly fatty meal or high-fat oil (such as coconut oil) to maximize delivery!

Tea & Coffee

As we’ve discussed, AVB is already decarboxylated, so it’s as simple as adding the flower to your morning grounds for your brew. You can expect a rich AVB taste that will go well with a flavoured cream like Hazelnut or Irish. 

For tea, simply add your AVB to the leaves and steep as per normal. A stronger tea will better mask the aroma and flavour of the AVB.

Top tip: Cannabinoids bind with fats, so milk and cream are both very welcome in this case. 


Sprinkle some AVB; add your herb to almost any dish that suits you. Water curing is strongly recommended for curing the flavor (unless you prefer the taste of Marijuana) 

Water curing AVB basically comes down to soaking your cannabis in water after it has been vaporized, since cannabinoids are not water-soluble. It will wash away all impurities, carbon, and other unwanted properties introduced to the herb while previously vaporizing it.

The Revolutionary Magical Butter Machine

The Magical Butter Machine is a truly remarkable device that simplifies using cannabis or AVB for cooking to a whole new level. Simply fill it with your desired oil / melted butter and add your cannabis buds, that’s it. 

The Magical Butter Machine will grind, clean, heat, and prepare your cannabis oil, all on its own. It takes around 2 hours to complete a cycle, after which it notifies you, and can then continue to clean itself. How’s that for cutting down on effort?  

The Accessories:

4 FAQ on AVB (Already Vaped Bud)

What is AVB and what should it look like?

The crispy brown residue bud remains in your vaporizer after use. This flower usually still contains some cannabinoids and can be reused.

Can you actually use AVB?

Yes, provided it was not completely destroyed or “depleted” or its cannabinoids in the previous vaping session. This can be done by extreme temperature or prolonged periods of vaping (even on lower temperatures)

How can you use AVB?

Simple methods include creating cannabis oil or cannabis butter with your AVB, which can then be added to almost any recipe. The Magical Butter Machine once again being a strong contender for the task. 

Since your flower will already be decarboxylated, you can simply add the ground flower to many other recipes as well. Use it as a garnish, add it to your tea leaves, coffee, and your desserts.  

Perfect for:

  • Muffins / Cupcakes
  • Brownies
  • Health shakes 
  • Cookies
  • Butter
  • Hot beverages

How will I know what is a safe dosage?

An average dose of AVB for a regular vape user is around 0.5 grams, or 2.5 full capsules of ground AVB.

The recommended amount of cannabis for any recipe can also be replaced with AVB for less intense effects. 


If you use dry herb vaporizers, you’re probably wasting cannabis without even realizing it. 

Already vaped bud (AVB is the brown-colored residue flower that remains after cannabis has been used in a vaporizer. Unlike smoking it, the plant is not turned to ash, meaning some cannabinoids still exist and can be used, if you know how to. 


As we’ve mentioned, not using the AVB to get the most out of your bud will be an opportunity gone to waste. If you don’t vaporize your cannabis to a char, you can basically “use your cannabis for a second time”


  • Prolonged cannabis lifespan
  • Use up to 100% of your cannabinoids

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